Monday, March 7, 2011

Finally moved in (with WORKING internet)

   We're finally moved in and we have our internet up... and after a few days.... WORKING. Toothless is happy as a clam. He's been hopping around the apartment and getting his nose into all kinds of stuff (who knew he could fit in behind a bookshelf!) The black cat is the long awaited picture of Dot (with her fasionable red/green nail caps, she's not hiding under the bed, it's just her preferred "sleeping" area.

   When we introduced Toothless and Dot, Toothless was all "Well HELLO there" and trotted right up. Dot on the other hand was VERY nervous and got upset, so she's spent a few days in her own room, then ventured out. She's still not too happy with meeting a new cat but she doesn't hiss/growl unless Toothless is face/face.