Monday, March 7, 2011

Finally moved in (with WORKING internet)

   We're finally moved in and we have our internet up... and after a few days.... WORKING. Toothless is happy as a clam. He's been hopping around the apartment and getting his nose into all kinds of stuff (who knew he could fit in behind a bookshelf!) The black cat is the long awaited picture of Dot (with her fasionable red/green nail caps, she's not hiding under the bed, it's just her preferred "sleeping" area.

   When we introduced Toothless and Dot, Toothless was all "Well HELLO there" and trotted right up. Dot on the other hand was VERY nervous and got upset, so she's spent a few days in her own room, then ventured out. She's still not too happy with meeting a new cat but she doesn't hiss/growl unless Toothless is face/face.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Only a WEEK!

     I'm not packing all the stuff for moving, and all I can think when I pack the stuff we've bought for Toothless, is that when I unpack it, I can let Toothless play with it right away. I'm beginning to think my boyfriend thinks I'm becoming a crazy cat lady slowly. I was talking about Toothless the other day, and what I was thinking about him, and my boyfriend kept giving me this look of "Crazy Cat Lady".

Monday, February 21, 2011

8 More

    Ugh! 8 more days! One more day until only a week... then only 6 more... then 5.... I can't wait this long, I'm going to be old and gray by the time I get Toothless! Now I have to focus mostly on packing though :(

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Single digits

    Only 9 more days! Nine! WOW! Time is still going by painfully slow though! I REALLY can't wait to get Toothless! I'm running out to the vets on Tuesday to get some enzyme solution for his mouth, but I really can't believe I'll have him HERE soon! The foster mom has been sending me picture after adorable picture of him while I'm away and he's so cute, it makes me want to go get him now and snuggle him all the way home (though that may make driving more difficult).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 DAYS!

    Even Toothless looks like he can't believe there's only 10 more days until I get him!
    PetSmart is having a HUGE sale this weekend, but none of it is anything we need (or would've needed if I hadn't bought it already). I find it kinda funny that all the items they're putting on sale are small items that are already a dollar to buy. You'd think they'd want to put bigger items on for sale for their "Big Sale" of the month. I also don't understand why litterboxes cost so much? They already know that I'll continue to clean it and fill it with litter (which I have to buy over and over and over), I'm not buying it for looks. They should think of litter boxes like cell-phones, the price of the phone the company couldn't care about, the price of the PLAN that you'll be continuing to pay is where they want to get you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

12 More Days

     I'm still missing Toothless. I'm going out today to get a nice warm towel or blanket to put as a soft bottom in the carrier. I was right too, having the carrier is making it worse for me to hold off going to get him. It's getting to the point that I'm counting down not just by days but by THINGS as well. For example, after my midterm yesterday I filled my car up with gas. Since my car is SUPER good at conserving gas I know that I will be using the gas I filled up with to go pick up Toothless. Or I was packing the cat stuff we have to take to our new apartment, and as I was packing all I could think was "The next time I take these out of the box Toothless will be in our new apartment!".