Meet toothless! Toothless is currently a TCR cat in a foster home (named Emerson at the moment). I will be going to pay for him on Saturday and he'll be coming home with us on March 1st to his new home!
Although you can see teeth in this picture, toothless is soon to have his teeth removed due to a gum disease, the hope is that when he has his teeth removed, he should be 100% better, and we'll just have to watch what he eats.
He'll be joining our other cat Dot, who I will post pictures of later, my boyfriend Naielo and myself (Thirsha) in our new apartment, and we couldn't be more excited!
More later, stay tuned!
Hi, Thirsha, Mysteria here - met u today in chat. Love your blog - and - awww, Toothless is TOO CUTE! Good luck with him.